2025.01.16 Volcanic eruption caused Neolithic people to sacrifice unique "sun stones" 4,900 years ago, a Neolithic people on the Danish island Bornholm sacrificed hundreds of stones engraved with sun and field motifs. Archaeologists and climate scientists from the University of Copenhagen can now show…
2024.11.06 Research project on medieval intellectual culture awarded €13 million Synergy Grant Thanks to a generous ERC Synergy Grant, experts in history, literature, medieval handwriting and bio-codicology from Nordic Universities will explore medieval knowledge networks the coming six years. Matthew Collins, wh…
2024.10.28 Jane Fejfer modtager Dronning Margrethes Romerske Pris 2024 Lektor Jane Fejfer fra Saxo-Instituttet modtager Dronning Margrethes Romerske Pris 2024 for sin forskning i romersk skulptur og dens relevans frem til i dag. Carlsbergfondet uddeler hvert år prisen til en forsker, der…
2024.09.30 The Vikings were part of a global network trading in ivory from Greenland DNA analyses reveal that the vikings brought walrus ivory from Greenland on to Europe and probably as far as the Middle East via extensive trade networks.
2024.09.19 Dialogues with the Past (DialPast) Course offered at the University of Oslo: Our Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology membership provides access for PhD fellows at the University of Copenhagen to courses and events offered by the Nordic network.
2024.09.19 Newsweek article “'Lawless Place': Roman Prison Revealed by Disturbing Ancient Graffiti” featuring Matthew Larsen Last month Newsweek talked to archaeologist Matthew Larsen (Theology and School of Archaeology, UCPH) who has identified remains of a 1,600-year-old Roman prison at the archaeological site of Corinth, Greece.
2024.09.11 Easter Island population collapse never happened Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and University of Lausanne debunks the popular theory.
2024.07.10 Plague emerges from Stone Age graves Ancient DNA from bones and teeth hints at a role of the plague in Stone Age population collapse
2024.07.03 Dietary diversity of Denisovans on the Tibetan Plateau New research sheds light on Denisovan behaviour and indicates how adaptable they were to the harsh and variable environment of the Tibetan Plateau.
2024.06.12 Archaeologists to contribute to major new research project on ancient DNA Professor Eske Willerslev has been awarded a grant of up to DKK 585 million by Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Wellcome Trust to study ancient environmental DNA. Researchers from the Near Eastern Archaeology section wil…
2024.05.03 Bones from ancient humans unveils health of people in the Middle Ages An innovative approach opens avenues for studying immune responses in past populations. Could contribute to a broader understanding of human health throughout history.
2024.05.01 New documentary: Nobody Liked Paul In a new documentary, Associate Professor Matthew D. C. Larsen travels through the worlds of the apostle Paul using archaeology to imagine how folks in the cities he visited might have told his biography.
2024.02.19 Birds have been adapting to human activity for millennia Roughly 14,500 to 10,500 years ago, in the transition from the last glacial period, Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic peoples harvesting vegetation from the wetlands of eastern Jordan created a habitat for birds that would…
2024.01.31 45.000-year-old bones shed light on modern humans’ arrival to Northwestern Europe Based on bones determined to be from Homo sapiens, modern humans, an international research team discovered that modern humans reached Northwestern Europe earlier than we thought, and in a much colder environment.
2024.01.10 100 forhistoriske skeletter viser, hvordan Danmark blev et landbrugsland Genetiske undersøgelser af 100 skeletter fra Danmarks fortid dokumenterer, at landbruget blev indført for 5.900 år siden, da agerdyrkere vandrede ind i landet sydfra og udkonkurrerede den lokale jæger-samler-befolkning.…
2024.01.10 Discoveries gleaned from human ancient DNA Four research articles in Nature follow the genetic traces and geographical origins of human diseases far back in time. The analyses provide detailed pictures of prehistoric human diversity and migration, while proposin…
2023.12.17 Arkæologer finder 12.000 år gammelt perleværksted i Jordan Specialiseret håndværksarbejde bliver normalt forbundet med fremkomsten af bysamfund. Men i et nyt studie viser forskere fra Københavns Universitet, at et stenalderfolk i Jordan var i stand til at masseproducere perler…
2023.11.14 Emerging Researchers’ Network The UCPH School of Archaeology’s (SoA) Emerging Researchers’ Network (ERN) connects early career researchers (currently around 40 members) working within archaeology in the broadest definition at the University of…
2023.10.10 Eva Andersson Strand appointed Professor of Archaeology Eva Andersson Strand, director of the Centre for Textile Research, can now, as of 1 October, officially hold the title of Professor of archaeology.
2023.08.28 2.900 år gammel mursten gemte på DNA fra oldtiden I et nyt studie i Scientific Reports viser forskere, at det er muligt at udtrække forhistorisk DNA af en 2.900 år gammel mursten. Den nye analysemetode vil kunne give klimaforskere, biologer og arkæologer et unikt…
2023.08.18 Dialogues with the Past (DialPast) - Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology UCPH School of Archaeology enters into Nordic collaboration. The next PhD course will take place in Athens in November.
2023.08.14 Archaeology students dig for traces of rituals in Ginnerup Archaeology students from the Saxo Institute excavate the Stone Age site at Ginnerup, Djursland
2023.05.10 Launch of the UCPH School of Archaeology The UCPH School of Archaeology is a collaboration across three faculties to build bridges between the archaeological disciplines at the University of Copenhagen. On 9 May, the school was officially launched with speeche…
2023.03.27 Årringe og grundstof viser forskere vej til 400 år gammelt tømmers oprindelsessted Grundstoffet strontium kan sammen med årringsanalyser vise, hvor træ, som blev brugt til at bygge huse i Danmark for 400 år siden, stammer fra. Det demonstrerer to forskere fra Københavns Universitet i et nyt studie, de…
2022.12.21 UCPH School of Archaeology kick-off retreat On 28 November 2023 a total of 50 archaeologists from the Humanities, Theology, Health and Medical Sciences at UCPH headed to Comwell Borupgaard in Snekkersten for a two-day retreat.