How has farming changed the lifestyle of people in Denmark?

Ploughin (old painting)

Come join the UCPH School of Archaeology at this year's Golden Days festival!

The introduction of farming changed the lifestyle of people in Denmark in many ways, including their relationship with nature, animals and microbes, as well as beliefs, art, social structures, language, technology and textiles. At this event, scholars from the UCPH School of Archaeology’s Emerging Researchers Network will take you on a journey, following changes in life in Denmark from the advent of farming through to more recent times, discussing how past people and objects are studied with scientific methods. The event will feature talks (in Danish and English) and practical demonstrations and will be followed by a reception.

Sign up here by 31 August


(short breaks between the presentations)

15:00 Introduction
15:10 Da bønder mødte jæger-samlere i Danmark: DNA fra oldtiden - Theis Jensen, Globe
15:35 A taste of prehistory - From Denmark’s last hunter-gatherers to its first farmers - Jan Dekker and Aleksandra Pach, Globe
16:05 Humans' many best friends – what happened to animals during the Stone Age? - Valeska Becker, Saxo
16:30 Tales our microbiomes tell of the past - Zandra Fagernäs and Liam Lanigan, Globe
17:00 Variation i flint-teknologiske traditioner mellem jæger-samlere og agerbrugere - Flinthugning live på terrassen ved Johan Villemoes
17:40 Multietnisk Danmark for 5000 år siden? Var landbrug altid foretrukket? - Mikkel Nørtoft, Saxo
18:05 Animal husbandry in Prehistoric Denmark - Jonas Jæger, Saxo / Proteomics and DNA of sheep and wool - Laura Viñas-Caron, Saxo
18:35 Fra jord til ord og uld i munden: landbrug og sproghistorie - Simon Poulsen, NorS
19:00 Reception

------------------------------------------- Danish version -------------------------------------------

Hvordan har landbruget ændret vores livsstil?

Kom og vær med, når UCPH School of Archaeology deltager i årets Golden Days festival.

Landbrugets introduktion i Danmark ændrede menneskets livsstil. Både vores forhold til natur, dyr, og mikrober, men også til tro, kunst, sociale relationer, sprog, teknologi og tekstiler. Ved dette arrangement tager forskere fra UCPH School of Archaeology’s Emerging Researchers Network dig på en rejse gennem de livsændringer, der fulgte med landbrugets komme fra bondestenalderen og frem. Hør om, hvordan fortidens mennesker og genstande i dag studeres med de nyeste metoder og skaber nye videnskabelige indsigter. Oplev foredrag (på dansk og engelsk), praktiske demonstrationer og deltag i den efterfølgende reception.

Tilmeld dig her senest den 31. august