2023 Archaeology & Science Day

The aim of this seminar is to bring researchers and students in archaeology together from across faculties and institutions. Throughout the day you will have the opportunity to experience different talks from talented researchers covering various topics within archaeology and the natural sciences.

The seminar is open to everyone. Students with an interest in archaeological science are strongly encouraged to participate.

Preliminary programme

09:00 Jonas Holm Jæger, SAXO/GLOBE Welcome
09:15 Martin Sikora (GLOBE)
09:45 Enrico Cappellini (GLOBE)
10:15 (Break)
10:45 Adam Cordes (National Museum of Denmark/Aarhus University) Cellular markers in charred grains as indicators of prehistoric malting and beer brewing
11:15 Zandra Fagernäs (GLOBE)
11:45 (Lunch)
12:45 Jakob Hansen (GLOBE) Sampling of precious material: Species identification of Early Neolithic bone artefacts, NE Iberian Peninsula
13:15 Lisa Yeomans (ToRS) Human-bird-environment interactions in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Southern Levant
13:45 (Break)
14:15 Laura Viñas Caron (SAXO/GLOBE) The domestication and evolutionary trajectory of sheep and wool
14:45 Tobias Richter (ToRS) The University of Copenhagen School of Archaeology
15:15 Closing remarks and discussion

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