3D Imaging in Forensics and Archaeology: a cross-learning between disciplines

The first talk in the School of Archaeology lecture series is by forensic anthropologist Dr Chiara Villa, associate professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, and manager of the Laboratory of Advanced Imaging and 3D modelling.


3D imaging techniques such as photogrammetry and computed tomography (CT) scanning have become important tools in the fields of archaeology and forensics in recent decades. These techniques enable the permanent 3D documentation of various objects of interest, ranging from archaeological sites and crime scenes to skeletons and bodies. When combined with modelling techniques, 3D imaging provides an illustrative and more comprehensive perspective of the scene, significantly enhancing overall interpretation. In this context, the use of these imaging techniques will be showed using both recent homicide cases and cold cases, specifically focusing on mummies. The cases of three children ritually sacrificed as part of the Inca capacocha rite 500 years ago and the 5300-year-old murder case of Ötzi will be presented. Furthermore, the development of these techniques in archaeology and forensics will be discussed, highlighting the ongoing cross-disciplinary learning process.

After the talk (from 16:00),  you’re invited to stay for coffee, tea and chats with colleagues.